═══ 1. About PMGedBrowse ═══ PMGEDBrowse is designed to ease the viewing of a GEDCOM file in its native format. The main window displays basic information about a single individual: the person's name, birth and death dates, and the names of his or her parents. Preceding each name is the ID of the person. Every individual in a GEDCOM is associated with a unique ID. (These IDs are often the same as those assigned by the database management system that generated the GEDCOM file.) In the actual GEDCOM file, these IDs are bracketed by @s. In the main window, these @s are removed for readability. You can choose the person to be displayed in the main window in several ways: o Double-clicking with the mouse on the names of the parents o Double-clicking on a person in the Family list box o Using the Search menu Five other windows may be displayed within the main window: o Family Info - displays the spouses and children of the person in the main window. The 'More Family Info' menu opens the Family Details window. This menu is enabled when a spouse line is selected. o Family Details - displays the actual GEDCOM FAM record. o Individual Info - displays the actual GEDCOM INDI record. o Header Info - displays the partially formatted contents of the HEAD record. o Record Details - displays the actual GEDCOM record for any record type other than INDI or FAM. ═══ 2. File Menu ═══ The File menu contains commands that you use to open, GEDCOM files. In addition, it also contains the command that you use to exit PMGEDBrowse. The following commands appear in the File menu: New GEDCOM file Opens a GEDCOM file for browsing Display Header Information Displays some of the information in the HEAD record in the GEDCOM file. Exit Quits PMGEDBrowse. ═══ 3. Open ═══ You can open a GEDCOM file that exists on any drive or in any directory by using the Open command. To open a file, do the following: o Select the File menu and choose the Open command. A dialog box appears, showing you a list of GEDCOM files in the current directory. Note that when you open a file, PMGedBrowse builds an index to it. This may take a few moments. This process is done by a background thread, so the system is responsive to your input almost immediately, but you cannot do anything with PMGedBrowse until it is done. While the index is being built, a dialog box is displayed, offering you the opportunity to cancel the operation. If you cancel the indexing process, the only menu options available will be Help, New GEDCOM File and Exit The menus will be re-enabled when a new GEDCOM file is selected and the index built. ═══ 4. Header ═══ You can open a window that displays some of the information in the GEDCOM Header record, partially formatted. This window opens by default when a new GEDCOM file is opened. To see the entire contents of the Header record, select Other records under the Search Menu, and select the HEAD record. ═══ 5. Exit ═══ You quit PMGEDBrowse by using the Exit command. To quit PMGEDBrowse, do the following: 1. Select the File menu and choose the Exit command. ═══ Help for Open ═══ ═══ Help for Open ═══ 1. Select the down arrow to the right of the Drive list to display all the drives on your system. 2. Select a drive from the Drive list. 3. Select a directory from the Directory list. 4. Select a file name from the File list or type in a file name and select the Open pushbutton to display the file you want to browse. For specific help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Open pushbutton ═══ Help for File name ═══ ═══ Help for File name ═══ Type the name of the file you want to open in the File name field and select the Open pushbutton. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ List of Fields ═══ File name Type of file Drive File Directory Open pushbutton General help ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of file field to display the available file types. This is set for all files until I figure out how to change it. Only .GED files will be listed, however. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ ═══ Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the GEDCOM files you want to browse. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for File ═══ ═══ Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the GEDCOM files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to open. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ ═══ Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Open ═══ ═══ Help for Open ═══ Select the Open pushbutton to display the file you want to browse. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ ═══ Help for Type of file ═══ Select the down arrow to the right of the Type of file field to display the available file types. The sample has set this field for all file types. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Drive ═══ ═══ Help for Drive ═══ The Drive list displays the drives on your system. Select the drive that contains the files you want to save. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for File ═══ ═══ Help for File ═══ The File list displays all the files in the directory you selected from the Directory list. Select the file you want to rename and save. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ Help for Directory ═══ ═══ Help for Directory ═══ The Directory list displays the directories on the selected drive. Select a directory to display the list of files from that directory in the File list box. For more help, select a topic below. ═══ 6. Individual Menu ═══ The Individual menu contains commands that you use to move to the Mother or Father of the person currently displayed, and to open a window (it is opened by default) showing the spouses and children of the current person, and to open a window which displays the complet GEDCOM Record of the person. Father Changes the Main window to display the Father of the current person. Mother Changes the Main window to display the Mother of the current person. Show Family Displays a List Box with the spouses and children of the current person. Show Full Record Displays a window with the complete GEDCOM INDI record of the current person. ═══ 7. Father ═══ Changes the primary window to show information about the Father of the person currently displayed. You can also do this by double-clicking on the Father's name in the main window. ═══ 8. Mother ═══ Changes the primary window to show information about the Mother of the person currently displayed. You can also do this by double-clicking on the Mother's name in the main window. ═══ 9. Family ═══ You use this menu item to display the List Box showing the spouses and children of the current person. This window is displayed by default, but you can use this menu item to open it again if you have closed it. This List Box has a Menu Item of its own, More Family Info. When a Spouse line is selected, this menu is enabled. Selecting More Family Info opens a new window displaying the GEDCOM FAM record relating to this marriage. This window remains open until it is closed or until More Family Info is selected again, or it's contents changed with the Search By Fanily Menu Item. ═══ 10. Full Individual Record ═══ You use this menu item to display a window containing the full GEDCOM INDI record of the current person. The contents of this window will change as you display different people in the GEDCOM. It will always display the information about the person being displayed in the Main Window. ═══ 11. Search Menu ═══ This menu allows you to search the GEDCOM file for particular records. You can find the first and last persons (in alphabetical order) or the person before or after the current person. You can also search by the the GEDCOM ID of the person (if you know it). Individuals can also be selected from a list of everyone in the GEDCOM file. The results of these searches will be displayed in the Main, Family Info and Individual Info windows. You can also search for a particular family by selecting the family ID from a list. The results of this search will be displayed in the Family Details window. You can also search for any other GEDCOM record by selecting it from a list. The results of this search will be displayed in the Record Details window. ═══ 12. 1st Person ═══ Display the first person (in alphabetical order) in the Main, Family Info and Individual Info windows. ═══ 13. Last Person ═══ Display the last person (in alphabetical order) in the Main, Family Info and Individual Info windows. ═══ 14. Previous Person ═══ Display the previous person (in alphabetical order) in the Main, Family Info and Individual Info windows. ═══ 15. Next Person ═══ Display the next person (in alphabetical order) in the Main, Family Info and Individual Info windows. ═══ 16. By ID ═══ Select the person to be displayed in the Main, Family Info and Individual Info windows by typing in the ID. Do not type in the @s that are used in the GEDCOM file to bracket IDs. ═══ 17. By Name ═══ Select the person to be displayed in the Main, Family Info and Individual Info windows by choosing a name from a list of all names in the GEDCOM file. When the list is displayed you can select the person by scrolling the list until the correct person is highlighted, then selecting 'OK', or by double-clicking with the mouse on the chosen name. ═══ 18. By Family ═══ Select the family to be displayed in the Family Details window by choosing the family ID from a list of all family IDs in the GEDCOM file. When the list is displayed you can select the family by scrolling the list until the correct family is highlighted, then selecting 'OK', or by double-clicking with the mouse on the chosen family. ═══ 19. Other Records ═══ Use this option to display GECOM records of types other than INDI or FAM. A list of all such records will be displayed and you can select the record by scrolling the list until the correct record is highlighted, then selecting 'OK', or by double-clicking with the mouse on the chosen record. The contents of the record will be displayed in the Record Details window. ═══ 20. Help Menu ═══ You don't really need help here, do you? ═══ 21. Index ═══ You don't really need help here, do you? ═══ 22. General help ═══ You don't really need help here, do you? ═══ 23. Using Help ═══ You don't really need help here, do you? ═══ 24. Keys ═══ You don't really need help here, do you? ═══ 25. Tutorial ═══ There is no Tutorial. ═══ 26. Product information ═══ You don't really need help here, do you? ═══ 27. Product information dialog ═══ This dialog displays information about the application, such as version number and copyright notice. ═══ 28. OK ═══ The OK button closes the Product information dialog.